What is Mindful Eating?

You’ve probably heard the term “mindful eating” within the past few years.  The concept of mindful eating has been around for a while, but has been garnering more attention recently as part of the body neutrality movement.  So what exactly is mindful eating and what is it used for?

Mindful eating is a form of eating that requires you to really pay attention to what you’re feeling as a result of what kinds of foods you eat and how much food you’re eating.  Mindful eating puts significant emphasis on pacing during meals and on registering mental and physical sensations during meals.  Mindful eating is not a form of dieting.  This eating method puts no restrictions on what you eat or even how much you eat.  It simply asks you to be more present and aware during mealtimes.  

How can you practice mindful eating?  There are various strategies for implementing this eating method, the simplest of which is paying more attention to your body cues.  Eat when you’re hungry (but not ravenous) and stop when you’re full (but not stuffed).  Another strategy of mindful eating is to slow the pacing of your meal.  Start out with smaller portions, take smaller bites, and chew more thoroughly.  Lastly, thoroughly engage in your meal.  Don’t eat while distracted.  Pay attention to the health value of what you’re eating.  Ensure that you eat only when you need to, not out of boredom or sadness.  Make sure that you’re enjoying the experience of eating and not overeating or eating out of obligation.

What are the benefits of mindful eating?  While mindful eating is not a diet, it can assist people with losing weight in that it can often lead to improvements in selecting healthier food options and can assist with portion changes.  Mindful eating can also help alleviate certain health conditions created by eating too much, eating too quickly, or repetitively eating food your body is sensitive to.  Mindful eating can also improve your overall relationship with food and can create more gratitude for eating in general.

Mindful eating is an effective method of shifting your eating habits, improving your overall health and wellness, and introducing mindfulness concepts into your daily routine.  Should you have additional questions about how to introduce mindful eating into your dietary habits, dieticians are great resources for getting started on a mindful eating regimen.




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