Eating Disorders and the Holidays

The holiday season can be challenging for anyone, but can be especially difficult for those who are recovering from an eating disorder.  Stressors around the holiday season including planning, travel, a break from routine, and family conflict can all be damaging to the recovery process.  Below are some tips for maintaining healthy habits throughout the holiday season.

  • Reduce any anticipated stress as much as possible.  Keep plans as light and flexible as you are able.  Create a budget for yourself and stick to it to avoid financial stress.  Take breaks as needed to relax and recharge.  

  • Set boundaries with family and friends in advance.  Let others know what is helpful for you and what is detrimental to your recovery.  Ensure that you are surrounding yourself with people who support and understand your needs as they are pertinent to your continued positive growth.  Make sure especially to tell others not to comment on your eating habits or physical appearance during the holiday.  Even seemingly positive focus on your eating habits or appearance can be damaging, even if it is well intentioned.

  • Pay attention to the narratives that you are creating about yourself as well as about your eating patterns during the holidays and ensure that you are shifting narratives that are directly in conflict with your recovery goals.  Journaling can be a helpful tool for checking in with yourself if self awareness of negative thought patterns can be challenging for you. Above all stay compassionate with yourself,  despite any setbacks or mistakes that may arise.

  • Focus on the meaning behind the holiday season.  Communal meals are a large part of the holidays, but not the only part.  Focusing on elements aside from just meals during the holiday can be helpful with keeping you grounded, grateful, and mindful.

  • Keep up with your routine.  This can be difficult, since the holiday season can involve a significant disruption in your typical daily living habits.  Plan ahead around how you will keep your routine as normal as possible given the circumstances.

  • If you have a treatment provider, let them know of any specific concerns that you have around the holidays and your continued recovery so that they can help you create a safety plan.  Having a set plan in advance can be very comforting to those who are in recovery.

Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself this holiday season.  Your recovery and overall well being come first as does your joy.  Putting your needs and self care first will go a long way towards your continued healing journey.


Giving Back

