
Journaling is an effective tool for coping with stress, improving overall mood, and increasing intentionality.  However, beginning a journaling practice can be difficult, and it can feel overwhelming to even get started due to the number of journaling options available.  Choosing the right journaling techniques and structure for your specific needs takes thought and time but asking the right questions can assist with expediting this process to get started on your journaling journey sooner and with peace of mind.

The initial question to ask yourself when beginning a journaling regimen is to determine what the purpose of journaling is for you.  Are you trying to alleviate stress?  Are you improving mindfulness?  Are you interested in tracking data associated with mental, physical, or relational health?  Are you looking for an outlet for thought exercises?  Determining your ultimate purpose for journaling can greatly assist you in finding a journaling routine that works best for your goals.

Another good question to ask yourself is whether you would prefer free form or structured journaling.  Free form journaling is generally just an information dump.  This type of journaling is often seen in traditional diary keeping and does not follow any set structure.  This type of journaling is best used for people who are looking into journaling for a creative outlet or an outlet for stress relief.  Structured journaling is more clearly outlined and is often dictated by specific prompts that repeat with each journal entry.  Structured journaling is often most effective for people who would like to use journaling for record keeping or mindfulness practice.  Structured journaling also tends to be helpful for people who have not utilized journaling as a tool in the past.  The type of journaling that will be most effective for you largely depends on your goals for journaling and your overall personality.

The final question to ask yourself when implementing journaling as a healthy habit is how to fit journaling into your regular routine.  How frequently would you like to journal?  Where does journaling fit into your normal routine?  How can you best hold yourself accountable to establish this habit?  Establishing a journaling routine that you can stick to is important with regards to making journaling a regular habit.

Journaling can be an effective tool for a variety of mental health needs and is easily done from home and during periods of relaxation.  Establishing journaling as a habit can be extremely beneficial for stress management, mindfulness, and creating a positive mindset.  The above questions can assist you with identifying the best journaling practice for you.  Happy writing!


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