Giving Back

The holiday season is built around giving.  Giving your time to friends and family, giving yourself space to relax, and of course giving gifts.  The giving season, while it has its stressors, also has its charms and can be a positive experience for most.  So why does giving feel so good?

Humans are first and foremost social creatures.  We have a need for interaction and connection with others.  Giving is a social construct and typically results in a positive reward for both the giver and receiver.  This is likely a huge reason why the holiday season creates such a sense of joy for so many people.

But why stop at the holiday?  Why not engage in giving all year round?  When searching for coping mechanisms for creating positive mental health, people often overlook volunteer work.  Volunteering is a great way to establish a sense of community and purpose and there are plenty of options out there for volunteer work.

This holiday season why not challenge yourself to explore volunteer options for the new year?  Look into opportunities that fit your lifestyle and values and commit yourself to a volunteering schedule.  Committing yourself to a volunteering opportunity that is meaningful to you even once per month can boost self confidence, increase a sense of community, and drive purposeful living.  Use this holiday season as motivation to give back in whatever way makes sense to you.  Happy holidays!


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