Valuable Mornings

Establishing a morning routine is vital to setting up a positive mindset for the rest of the day.  Unfortunately, given the hustle and bustle of Westernized culture, most people do not create a morning routine that lends itself to creating a good start for the day ahead.  So how can you create a regular morning routine that sets you off right for the rest of the day, while also taking into account the necessary responsibilities that you have to engage in each morning?

Start off by taking stock of the routine that you already have in place.  Are you using your time in the morning in the most efficient way that you can?  Are you getting up at a reasonable hour so as not to rush through your morning routine?  Are there things that you are trying to complete in the morning that could be easily moved to either later in the day or even the evening before?  Are you able to meet all of your self care needs prior to starting the rest of your day?  Take note of your answers to these questions and make any changes necessary to your existing routine to aid in improving the overall health of your morning routine.

Once you have made some shifts to your existing routine, you will likely free up some time to include an activity that fosters positive mindsets for the rest of your day.  You may choose any number of activities that lead to feelings of rejuvenation including but not limited to gratitude journaling, meditation, walking, yoga, or even spending extra time engaging with family.  Make sure that whatever activity you choose boosts your energy, rather than takes away from it.

Lastly, weed out any unnecessary energy draining activities that you may do in the morning.  These may include but are not limited to scrolling through social media, checking work emails upon waking, or hitting snooze several times over.  It is also important to ensure that you leave the appropriate amount of time open in your morning  to leisurely eat a meal, enjoy morning coffee and/or tea, and complete necessary hygiene tasks so that these activities are energy boosting rather than energy draining.

Mornings are the most important time of the day to check in with yourself and to hold space for mindful living.  If proper credence and attention are not given to your morning routine, it can set your day off on a bad note, which can be challenging to recover from.  Mindful morning routines are necessary for creating positive mindsets and for boosting your energy for the day ahead.  Make sure to create a morning routine that adds value to your life, rather than takes away from it so that you are well equipped to meet each new day head on.


Parentifying Behaviors

