
Trauma can create huge challenges for survivors, not the least of which are difficulties with distinguishing reality from trauma symptoms.  Dissociation, nightmares, and flashbacks are three such symptoms prevalent in trauma survivors which can create high anxiety based upon the traumatic event, rather than the actual present moment.  Grounding is an effective technique that responds to these symptoms by reorienting the trauma survivor to the present moment to bring down anxiety symptoms that arise from trauma triggers.

So what are some more simple methods of grounding to use when anxiety is high?  One of the most simplistic methods of grounding yourself to the present is to remind yourself where you are, who you are with, and what you are currently doing.  This simple technique is a fast and effective way to create a sense of safety when you are feeling unmoored from your sense of reality.

Another method of grounding is called the five senses method.  This method asks you to name things around you that cater to your five senses.  To use this method, ask yourself what you can see, hear, feel, smell, and taste right now.  If it is easier to access one sense rather than all five, just change this question to five things that ground you into the sense that is easiest for you to access at that present moment.

A final grounding technique involves the use of a physical hold.  Wrap one hand around your midsection, and place the other hand on your forehead.  Take a few deep breaths while in this holding position, making sure the air is coming into your lungs from your diaphragm rather than your chest to avoid hyperventilating.  Use the hand that is wrapped around your midsection to feel your breath coming in from your diaphragm and releasing.

Grounding can be an effective way to come down from heightened anxiety resulting from common trauma symptoms. This mindfulness practice is most helpful when it is practiced as part of a daily routine, so if you often find yourself in need of grounding, add a few minutes of the above-mentioned techniques to your daily routine to get the most benefit out of this practice.



