Managing Anxiety During Challenging Times

Americans as a whole have had their mental health pushed to the brink within the last few years.  Several country-wide and world-wide crises back to back have created a sense of restlessness and anxiety among even those who do not typically struggle with mental health concerns.  It can be especially difficult to deal with stress that is completely outside of one’s control to change, and even more so when these stressors present on a global scale.  

What can be most important in times like these is to recognize that you are not alone in your emotions and reactions to the things happening around you.  Building a strong community can be helpful for processing through emotions about shared challenges.   In this same line of thinking, looking into ways that you can contribute to causes that you are passionate about even on a small scale can be a helpful way to feel connected to others around you and can create a sense of purpose as well.

It is also important to keep in mind that we cannot predict the future and trying to do so actually creates more frustration and anxiety than taking things as they come.  Stay grounded in things that are meaningful to you and try not to over-saturate yourself with news and information.  Take breaks and reconnect with yourself and people who are important to you as needed.

Lastly, keep on top of your basic needs.  It can be easy to let routine self care habits slide in the wake of ongoing tension.  Make sure you are creating time in your day for rest and relaxation.  Stay committed to a regular eating, sleeping, exercise, and social schedule.  If you are finding yourself distracted at work, take a day or two off to decompress.  

Challenging times do not remain so forever.  By creating time and space to process through your emotions, reconnect with your support network, promote self care, and regain purpose, you will find anxiety about dealing with difficult times easier to navigate.


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